An electromagnetic field (also EM field) is a classical (i.e. non-quantum) field produced by moving electric charges. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell's equations and the Lorentz force law
An EMF meter is a scientific instrument for measuring electromagnetic fields (abbreviated as EMF). Most meters measure the electromagnetic radiation flux density (DC fields) or the change in an electromagnetic field over time (AC fields), essentially the same as a radio antenna, but with quite different detection characteristics. The two largest categories are single axis and tri-axis. Single axis meters are cheaper than tri-axis meters, but take longer to complete a survey because the meter only measures one dimension of the field. Single axis instruments have to be tilted and turned on all three axes to obtain a full measurement. A tri-axis meter measures all three axes simultaneously, but these models tend to be more expensive. . ~
Even though we have an array of EMF detection devices, we may use one at a time. Mostly the Mel-Meter multi-meter due to its multiple tools being available. Times that we wouldn't use an EMF detection device is when there is presents of natural EMF. Such cases include locations that are in very close proximity of power lines, A lot of running electronics such as computer mainframe rooms or rooms with a lot of computers etc.
Most other times the EMF detection devices are used. The normal is using a Lutron 822A EMF digital meter for a pre-investigation base line sweep. Based on these reading we know what the buildings normal range of EMF is. We can determine any unusual spikes knowing the initial baseline.
A multimeter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. There are many out there. The most common multimeter in the field today is the Mel-Meter 8704R. This multimeter has different configurations depending on the model you get. However, every model comes standard with simultaneous readings of EMF and ambient temperature on a digital read out display with a red back light. Of the 16 different models built of the Mel-Meter since 2008, 6 models are available at this time. Various other tools are available as well. The EDI is another example of a Multimeter. This is another animal that's a multimeter on steroids. It's advertised as having 5 major functions. However reality is, it has 6 if you count being capable of recording and charting a real time diagram of its readings. Very useful indeed. The best perk of the multimeter is being able to have multiple tools at your disposal in one meter carrying one meter instead of thumbing around to carry multiple meters at once. Just a fun fact below. Showing the current and discontinued models of the Mel-Meter. Our team uses three of the current models. The Pro Navigator, REM-SDD, and REM-EMT-SDD which are described further down.
Our organization has 8 multi-meters at its disposal (six Mel-Meters and 2 EDI+s). Of the six Mel-Meters, we have 4 different variants of it. All variations have 3 basic functions. They all have Digital EMF readings, Ambient Temperature Readings, and a Red Beam Flashlight. The first variant we have is the Mel-Meter Pro Navigator. This meter does exactly as the Basic Mel-Meter which the team has one, with the exception it has an expansion slot built in for later upgrades. The team has three of this model. The next model the team has is the Mel-Meter REM-SDD. This meter has in addition to the basic functions, this meter also has REM capabilities. The REM omits its own energy field. When this field is disrupted, the alarm sounds accompanied by a series of lights being lit depending on proximity of the disturbance. The next option this meter has is the SDD (Shadow Detection Device). Plain and simple, when the sensor detects shadow movement, a light will be lit with an audible alert. The team has 1 of the meters. The last Mel-Meter next and fifth Mel-Meter the team has is the Mel-Meter REM-EMT-SDD. This meter does everything indicated in the last Mel-Meter except this one has the ATDD (Ambient Temperature Deviation Detection) option and Laser Grid built in. This Mel-Meter puts 7 tools in the hands of our investigators with 1 unit.
The next series of multi-meters our team has is the EDI+. This multi-meter even though is advertised to have 6 features, It technically has 6. This device has a digital EMF meter, Ambient Temperature Reading, Ambient Temperature Deviation Detection, Atmospheric Pressure, Humidity, Vibration and a record data option for printed graphical report display. The team possesses 2 of these guys.
Movement caused by paranormal entities can be caught on varies types of motion detection devices. Shadows, Energy, and even matter we cannot see with our own eyes. Simple motion sensors tend to see far beyond our physical capabilities of vision. Laser lights seem to catch movement fluctuations within the beams of light. And sensors that have audible alarms will alert us to movement in areas we aren't located in at the time activity occurs. We use an array of different motion detection devices for capturing paranormal movement. A huge tool used for this is the same tool we use for documenting our investigations with. The video camera. This will be discussed later in this section. In this section we will show you the tools we use for detecting motion that is non camera related. Other devices we use for detection of motion are built within the multi-meters we use such as the Mel-Meters for its SDD (Shadow Detection Device) capabilities and the EDI+ for its vibration detection capabilities.
Our organization has numerous devices to detect movement. Conventional Motion Sensors with alarm, Poltertune, Laser Grids, Vibration Sensors, and Shadow Detection. The primary function of many of our motion sensor devices is to catch movement in areas we don't really go into a lot.
EVP (electronic voice phenomena) is Within ghost hunting and parapsychology, electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sounds found on electronic recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices that have been either unintentionally recorded or intentionally requested and recorded. Parapsychologist Konstantīns Raudive, who popularized the idea in the 1970s, described EVP as typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase. EVP's usually categorized by its quality determined by clarity of the EVP. Those classifications are;
Class A
A clear and distinct voice or sound that is universally accepted and undisputed, because it must be understood by anyone with normal hearing and without being told or prompted to what is being said or heard. It can be heard without the use of headphones.
Class B
A voice or sound that is distinct and fairly loud. This class of voice is more common and can be heard by most people after being told what to listen for. It is usually audible to experienced persons who have learned the skill of listening to EVP. It can sometimes be heard without the use of headphones.
Class C
A faint and whispery voice or sound that can barely be heard and is sometimes indecipherable and unintelligible. It may have paranormal characteristics, such as a mechanical sound. Most investigators would apply objectivity and disregard it, but may save it for reference purposes.
Below Class C
There are lower classifications, however anything lower than Class C is dismissed by Az.P.R.I. being evidence as it's way to controversial to consider and present as definitive evidence.
Global United uses a wide range of tools to capture EVP's. Within our arsenal of tools for use of capturing EVP's we use Audio Recorders, Listening Devices and Ghost Boxes. We use certain recorders for static recording. These are recorders we just stage around the investigation area and let record sitting on its own. We also use some recorders for live recording. The recorders are used to walk around with the investigator and to conduct EVP sessions. The next recorder we use is a Real Time Audio Recorder. This device can be listened to with a set of headphones and hear some EVP's as they happen.
We use other tools to help in capturing EVPs. The bionic ear is one item we use. Other items are the P-SB7 AND P-SB11 Spirit Boxes. Another item is the Sbox Ghost Box. This item also records. Numerous accessories are used along with an audio software program (Audacity).
The camera's ability to freeze time may combine with the intense energy pattern of the ghost, which somehow imprints itself on film. Some think that it may be likely that ghosts, or spirit energy, are made up of a different spectrum of light. A spectrum that the human eye cannot see and yet the camera manages to pick up, acting simply as a machine and not being fallible like the human mind and body is. The photos that researchers do manage to capture often show spirits in what I feel is their true form, as clouds of ectoplasm-like fog, mists, balls of glowing light and white shapes that sometimes appear to be human-like. We use cameras for numerous reasons. We use them to naturally, capture spirits in photos. But we also use them to document the area we are investigating. Has that vase moved? Let's check the photos taken, Etc. It also helps us document our equipment, accountability and placements. We also use our cameras to take team photo shoots as well as location photo shoots. We have a wide range of Digital Cameras that we use.
We use digital photograph cameras, a full spectrum converted Digital Camera, Thermal Imaging Camera that takes still photos, and a Nikon D60 camera we use for photo shoots.
We use Infrared and Full Spectrum Cameras. The Infrared sees in the visible light spectrum and the Infrared light spectrum. The full spectrum camera sees in Infrared and Visible light spectrums but also can see in the Ultraviolet spectrum. The Full spectrum camera can see in Infrared Light, Visible light, and Ultra Violet Light spectrums. The Ultraviolet light is below the normal visible light range where the Infrared is above the visible light range. Below shows the Full Spectrum Chart and displays what the Full Spectrum Camera can see.
These cameras involve special filters and lighting for the camera to see in these spectrums of light. IR Flood Lights, Full Spectrum Lighting etc. are required for the Infrared and Full Spectrum cameras to see the images. We use Phantom Lite products for our lighting needs. On one 9V battery, the lights last up to approx. 9 hours.
Other accessories we use are tripods, Camera Hot Shoe brackets, SD Cards, Batter Chargers etc.
Almost like photography, videography offers us the opportunity to document our investigations. We have different video recording devices for certain specific jobs. These will be discussed below in each description. But video evidence is so compelling. Also, it gives us the opportunity to bring our viewers into the investigation with us and share our experiences. Anything set up as "Static" is a device that is set out and left alone to do its job. i.e.; a static audio recorder will be set in a room and un accompanied for the whole investigation just as a static camera will be as well. So as with our audio recorders we also have static cameras. Cameras we usually use for static cameras are the DVR surveillance IR cameras. Lets take you into our camera tool box.
Much like the digital cameras, the video recorders we use are of visible light and infrared light. We use a lot of the same accessories with the video recorders as we do with the digital cameras. Difference is we also possess a drone camera for video making for and for looking over areas we cannot see. We also have a DVR system that has 8 cameras with them. These cameras see in Infrared and has a range in total blackness of 80ft. with flood lights attached we can see a lot further