If you haven't read it yet, we'd like to welcome you to the Paranormal Family Channel. A little background on the channel starts with a vision. Formerly, ParaFam Entertainment, foreseen the necessity of true material being broadcasted to the public. There are so many shows on TV today that cover paranormal topics, but very few will distribute the truth behind the paranormal investigator and teams. What do they really go through? What does it take? How does a real investigation get undertaken? How are the lives of the investigators affected? so on and so forth. There is so much that "Real TV" type shows don't explain. Some come close or do best they can, given the limitations and requirements of their directors and channel staff.
The Paranormal Family Channel was built to break through the barriers of restrictions and pour the truth out to the public. If this exposes those shows or channels that offer up fake content just for views or rating, then so be it. But this channel is all about truth and true content. This means that if content of an investigation returns no occurrences or evidence as it's called, then that is exactly what we will show.
The Paranormal Family Channel is a channel broadcasted currently exclusively on Roku. The channel encompasses a wide range of paranormal subjects. These include haunts, UFO's, aliens, bigfoot, cryptids mysticism and much more.
The Paranormal Family Channel is for all ages. This allows the entire family to enjoy the channel together without fear of inappropriate content being displayed to our children.
You can download the app via the Roku App Store. Once you have it loaded to your device, you'll be required to subscribe to the channel at a rate of $2.99 USD a month. You can access the channel through a Roku device either TV or external Roku box. Currently you cannot view the channel via the Roku website.
Our channel is designed to accommodate amateur content. Although professionally edited content is certainly welcome, we drive at broadcasting content by organizations that aren't so rehearsed in filming, editing, or directing their content. The thing to remember is that this channel is a television channel, not a social media channel such as Facebook or YouTube. Some aspects with our channel don't fall under the scrutiny that social media sites seem to hold their thumbs down about. However, there are some guidelines we must follow. Simple as they are, we must abide by them.
Many channels will contract you to broadcast to their channels (if your content meets their quality standards). These channels require you enter into a contract term of several months, even years. During this time and depending on the contract, you don't own your content, name, shows, etc. This means you are usually not allowed to broadcast any of your content elsewhere including Facebook, YouTube, or any other social media platforms. With the Paranormal Family Channel, our contract is but a mere permission slip granting us permission to broadcast your content. Our contract is very clear to the fact that we do not own you, your show, your content, your name or otherwise any other aspects of your organization, ever. Additionally, you may exit the contract at anytime, for any reason without liability.

The shows we are looking for are those that show the investigative content. Thousands of people have shows out there that they refer to as shows rather than what they really are. I'm talking about Vodcasts. You know the ones I'm referring to. These are the talk shows that are enabled by programs like Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Streamyard, Melon, etc. For our purposes, these type "shows" should remain on social media. However, If you have advanced yourself enough, and you are seasoned enough to know how to make these shows appear without being boxes inside of a box and they are about a paranormal topic, not necessarily about guests on a show, then these are certainly worth looking at. Examples are given at the right and below of the quality talk shows we will allow.

The podcast type shows we will reject, are those that have social media appearance quality. If you'd like to broadcast to our channel, but do not know how to edit your shows in a way that it falls in line with television, we have some staff members that can help you. Usually this is in the form of advising, possibly showing, and more rarely doing the project for you. If you are looking for an editing software program to edit your videos, we use Wondershare Filmora 12. Other supporting programs we us is Pixlr Suite, Audacity, Image BG Remover, and DaFont. Please note, we are not responsible for any technical issues that you may experience associated with the previously stated programs. For technical help and support, please contact the program support department the program belongs to.
The illustration to the right shows an example of the type visual of podcasts we do no accept. You will notice this type of format is showing boxes inside of a box. This is what we mean by social media quality showings. It is possible to record this type of show, then edit it in post-production with the option of screen switching and zooming in on each box as if it is a stand -alone screen. This is acceptable. And again, if you need help with this process, just let us know. We will help all we can.
If by chance you have skills and experience editing video, we'd love to talk with you. We are always looking for good help. You can message our Facebook page Paranormal Family Channel, or McInville Paranormal, or email us, or you can call us or send us a message form on this website.