Welcome to McInville Paranormal's Probationary Membership Program. This page is available for you as a tool and will help you along your journey to being a full member. Extensive information is available to you here including tabs at the top which will navigate you to the Team Handbook, and the Team Calander. If at any time you may have questions, you can reach out to your team manager, a team administrator or team owner.
Forms You Need
Team Contact Information
(McInville Paranormal)
Phone: 1-602-558-4605
Email: mcinvilleparanormal@gmail.com
Official Facebook: McInville Official
Facebook Group: McInville Paranormal (Fan Page)
Team Owner Information
(Eldon McInville Sr)
Phone: 1-602-583-0846
Email: eldonmcinville1@gmail.com
Facebook Page: Eldon McInville Sr
Team Manager Information
(Donna Gerron)
Phone: 1-602-558-4605
Email: donnaghosthunter@hotmail.com
Facebook Profile: Donna Gerron
Contact Information
Always investigate with a partner.
Have a white flashlight with you.
Watch for environmental, natural and human dangers.
Always have a communications radio with your team.
Bring appropriate attire. Jackets in the cold, closed toed shoes, gloves, etc.
Bring spare batteries if you bring equipment.
Bring prescriptions if you require them, and OTC headache medications, etc.
Packaged snacks and water.
Be on-time.
No horseplay on our client's properties.
Respect the locations, clients, your fellow investigators and the spirits.
No firearms are allowed on investigations without prior permission of the team owner or manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I have my own equipment, can I bring it and use it during team functions and investigations?
The short answer to this is yes. But in doing so, you should be aware of some details before you do.
The team is not responsible for providing batteries, hook ups, mounts, accessory cords, etc. for your equipment. If you are in need of any of these items during the investigation, and another investigator has what you need and helps you, ensure they get their property back in the same condition they lent it to you. This also includes replacement of batteries that you may barrow.
The team is not responsible for any of your equipment. This includes damaged or lost equipment while on any of our teams' functions.
If you use cameras, video recorders, audio recorders, thermal imaging cameras, SLS cameras, etc. Ensure that the team receives a copy of the data your devices collected, as the data collected regardless of property specific ownership, belongs to McInville Paranormal.
Can I bring my friends or family on team investigations?
The answer to this depends. If the investigation is open to the public, then yes. If the investigation is closed to the public, then no.
If the team is having a public open event, your friends and family may attend by obtaining tickets through our website. If your friends and family attend one of these venues, they will need to completely understand that they may or may not be able to investigate with you specifically or exclusively.
If you are carpooling with your friends and or family to one of our venues, they will need to be understanding to your team requirements. Meaning, you will be required to arrive well before the arrival times of guests. And during the time frame between our team arriving and our guests, they will need to remain out from the location until we open it up to the public.
Do I get paid for investigations or participating in team events, meeting, etc.?
No. You do not receive payment or compensation for attending any function. Our team is strictly voluntary. Infact, it will cost you rather than returning an earning. One investigation a month could cost in an area of $100 to $150 depending on what your costs are listed below. Paranormal Investigating contrary to popular belief is costly and can get very expensive depending on the direction you decide to go and what you obtain in equipment, etc. Just some of what will cost you is;
Travel costs associated with your traveling to and from investigations.
Food and or lodging costs should the need for lengthy stays be necessary.
Equipment if you are building your own investigative kit.
Batteries if you already have equipment.
Your monthly team dues of $12.50 a month, $25.00 if you are a full member.
Location access fees if fees are in a range level that requires attending members to all pitch in.
What is the overall scope and goal of the team?
Our team is driven to help clients, contribute to the paranormal community and raise public awareness. We offer services to our clients for free. We do not ask for any compensation whether it be in the form of wages or donations. We do all we can to contribute all we can to the paranormal community by focusing on the truths and integrity of our investigations. Also, we raise public awareness by relaying truthful information and presenting true evidence.
Who are clients?
There are different levels of clients that we have relationships with.
The first and most critical of clients we get involved with are those individuals that are experiencing paranormal activity and that are reaching out for help. They could be reaching out for their home, business or other location.
The second and less critical, yet just as equally important as the first are property owners that grant us permission to investigate their properties upon our own request.
The third, and probably the most detrimental of all clients are those seeking advise. These clients can range from property owners, curious public, to other teams seeking advice in areas perhaps they either haven't dealt with before or otherwise maybe gotten into a situation that in their minds are a bit more than they can handle and they need help.
Some key points that is a goal for us and that will maintain our separation from many other teams is our timely response, integrity, compassion, and availability.
If we respond swiftly to the desperate cries for help of clients, make ourselves available to them 24/7 day or night, maintain honesty and integrity with them maintaining respect all the while, are compassionate to their situation and needs, we will have achieved our overall goals.